Above: Willie and Maggie Pietersen (centre) with ASV Production Director Anton Viljoen (right) and Prosper Fair Manager Leon Nel (left) in front of the Pietersen’s renovated and enlarged home.
Housing improvements at ASV Farms Prosper Fair Farm in South Africa’s Hex River Valley have been sponsored by Global Fruit Point, Germany and have brought smiles to the faces of permanent staff members.
Global Fruit Point, one of the receivers of ASV grapes in Germany expressed a wish to assist ASV Farms with a Corporate Social Responsibility project for the group and Anton Viljoen suggested that they provide the funding for the upgrading of housing on Prosper Fair a recently acquired farm in the ASV Farms group.
During the past two months these funds have been used to install running water and solar water heaters as well as showers and indoor toilets into homes on the farm. Some of the roofs have been replaced. One of the homes has also had been enlarged with an additional bedroom to better accommodate one of the families and the recipients of these improvements are smiling from ear to ear.
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